Okay, The working man is usually for the working man, but when the place that says they are for the workers not only discriminates against other workers, but also doesn't help or give answers to the ones that want to be in the union or work there while they sit there and wonder what the heck, I have come to a conclusion. If you are not apart of a special group or kiss their butt along with not being their family or favorite, then you are screwed or whatever. Unions use to be about protecting workers, getting them rights and making sure they weren't screwed by the big guy, but the more I have dealt with them, the more behind I have become in life and the less I have accomplished it has seemed. They ride on the coat tails of what their founding fathers and brothers,sisters have created, instead of improving what they have and making all workers lives easier by fighting for their rights as well the unions, they have fallen, they are more worried about what they will get and who will pay for theirs, what political leaders they can not only pocket, but now are going after the illegals/immigrants for workers, suppose to be american laborer and work, not replaced with foreigners. The reason why this is not considered as much for career choices is due to the fact of the hostile environment one encounters along with mismanagement and not working half the time due to you piss someone off or people end up going another route. So when deciding this I never knew I would be ether sitting half the time not knowing what is going or what the heck I would be doing,I mean I am working another job and waiting for work, waiting to see , but have applied to others who i would love to work for, but need to finish the degree. I mean I can't wait here for the union to make up their mind to work people or not due to their choices, so i have come down to the point of if they offer, I will take, but if i don't hear from them, i believe i will be done with them in iowa. So to who ever reads this I understand what they have done for us in our society, but I also believe that the thought train has gone away from the path that it was to evolve to, its about what we can do for ourselves and screw the rest now days, while it should still be how can we improve the life of the modern day blue collar worker/white collar worker, I believe this is the message it needs to be. If you don't agree, then tell me what your thought is and why people need to be paid more than your average worker not only for doing the same job, but also have their benefits paid for by the same people you consider beneath you or not good enough.
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