Monday, April 15, 2013

changing mentality

After seeing today's incidents at the Boston Marathon and the other things going on in the world, I know how most must feel, oh my god, what is going on in this world. I know that this is what most normal people think and are asking themselves.  But for me, its more like anger and just analyzing it along with just wanting to do something violent in return. I have come to the conclusion that I always don't feel or look at things the way  that others do because they want to assume that in their own world, no one or thing will hurt them.

Or it won't have a affect on their lives or way of things. I am sorry, from analyzing history, events, the world and mentality of people, here is a fact, we are in a world that not only dehumanizes one another, but has no value on life in general of any creature or being. I  mean if there was intelligent life out there in space, I would stay a distance away as well. I mean these events and deaths are not affecting me like they should, its almost a feeling of i knew this would happen or saw it before, very weird. I mean my ancestors all the way down the line fought  for everything for this world and country, along with many other battles against their own. I am one of those whos mentality is not probably the greatest, I mean it takes alot to get me mad, but you hit me or family or innocent or  whatever, I will be skull fucking you in a heart beat, I don't care who or what you were or are.

Theres always a way to get to you. You see, my mentality is this, I will burn your world to ashes and everything around you, then I will focus my sites/full attention on to you. . So back on subject, My changing mentality is that I am starting to not feel bad about these so called tragedies or horrific events, almost like everyday thing, violence doesn't surprise me and doesn't seem like a distant thought anymore. I am always on guard and always analyzing people and trying to see if they have angle, which i don't like because i want to give people the benefit, but when your government and people all around you  seem to have the mentality memememe and screw you, then its hard to get out of this thought train.

I mean look at employers, they will screw you due to they believe since so many people are laid off there will be plenty to replace you, if yo have kids, good luck at finding a job due to the fact if you have to take time off your screwed or pick them up when sick. this world has just become so back ass wards that I mean I look at it as a problem anymore and it will take something that will get everyone to think to change things, our country is corrupt and colder than most, i am starting to see why people leave country and go else where, i mean i will go for the union up to canada to build oil rigs and other stuff since they actually want to work you and not try to screw you even thought they have their issues. I mean you have to work to live instead of live to work. The media and the politics in this world will be the undoing of us all and with how divided people have become, i just don't care anymore about the newtown families, the president, ect, all these politicians and parties have turned everything into a circus and us them for their own agenda while the families go along with it.

If you do your history violence will always be there and weapons will as well, it will never change, you can force it, but all you do is force it underground and people to take drastic action. my bloodlines have always been involved in war among other things and from what I heard or read on them, they all understood it, but they never glamorized it by talking about it all the time or putting it on tv twenty four seven. I just don't understand why people would glamorize it or use it to benefit their causes when the world is falling apart around them, I mean I would do my job and be done, move out into the country, want to be left alone, but instead people want the attention, using religions and other things for their causes distorting the word of those religions, I mean by doing this, all of them will end up where they don't want to in the next life, most of actually will as well. I have just started to rant and not making much sense, so i will go and get my stuff done, later.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Unions or not

Okay, The working man is usually for the working man, but when the place that says they are for the workers not only discriminates against other workers, but also doesn't help or give answers to the ones that want to be in the union or work there while they sit there and wonder what the heck, I have come to a conclusion. If you are not apart of a special  group or kiss their butt  along with not being their family or favorite, then you are screwed or whatever. Unions use to be about protecting workers, getting them rights and making sure they weren't screwed by the big guy, but the more I have dealt with them, the more behind I have become in life and the less I have accomplished it has seemed. They ride on the coat tails of what their founding  fathers and brothers,sisters have created, instead of improving what they have and making all workers lives easier by fighting for their rights as well the unions, they have fallen, they are more worried about what they will get and who will pay for theirs,  what political leaders they can not only pocket, but now are going after the illegals/immigrants for workers, suppose to be american laborer and work, not replaced with foreigners. The reason why this is not considered as much for career choices is due to the fact of the hostile environment one encounters along with mismanagement and not working  half the time due to you piss someone off or people end up going another route. So when deciding this I never knew I would be ether sitting half the time not knowing what is going or what the heck I  would be doing,I mean I am working another job and waiting for work, waiting to see , but have applied to others who i would love to work for, but need to finish the degree. I mean I can't wait here for the union to make up their mind to work people or not due to their choices, so i have come down to the point of if they offer, I  will take, but if i don't hear from them, i believe i will be done with them in iowa. So to who ever reads this I understand what they have done for us in our society, but I also believe that the thought train has gone away from the path that it was to evolve to, its about what we can do for ourselves and screw the rest now days, while it should still be how can we improve the life of the modern day blue collar worker/white collar worker, I believe this is the message it needs to be. If you don't agree, then tell me what your thought is and why people need to be paid more than your average worker not only for doing the same job, but also have their benefits paid for by the same people you consider beneath you or not good enough.